Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Meet Santa Larry

Okay…I’m laughing as I write this post. I just can’t help it. Let me just start with: I’m glad I don’t live in the U-S of A.

Folks, meet Larry Jefferson. He’s a retired U.S. Army Veteran from Irving, Texas.

If you live in the States, you’ve probably heard of him on the radio or seen him on the news. I actually learned about him on one of my Facebook friends timeline a few weeks ago.

While this story is almost three weeks old, I thought it was still worth mentioning because I just can’t stop thinking about how ludicrous this whole story is.

Why is Larry Jefferson headline news? He was the first Black Santa to ever grace the Mall of America in Minnesota from December 1st -4th. Apparently a lot of Americans had a hissy fit about this whole ordeal. 

Here are some of the comments I came across on the internet:

A sampling below from CBS and Twitter:

This one is my favourite:

These Americans need to relax and remember that Santa is not real. 
I wrote a post last year titled, “Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy aren't real?” about parents lying to their children about these fictional characters. 

While I did take Zendaya to meet Santa Claus twice over the past few weeks, I still plan on telling her when she gets a bit older  that Santa is not real.

Does it really matter what colour Santa Claus is? 

I’ve read articles in relation to this story about how there should be a Santa to represent all the different nationalities. I’m sure this suggestion was coming from an adult and not a child because children don’t care.

I thought about how I would react if I took Zendaya to meet Santa Claus and he happened to be black. I know I would be shocked at first but I would have her take pictures with him just the same because after all, Santa Claus isn't real.

To all those angry Americans who threw temper tantrums, get over it.

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Thanks for reading and keep smiling :)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

In Everything Give Thanks

Yesterday was one of those days that I just wanted to scream. I was feeling very overwhelmed.

To make matters worse, my car wouldn’t start while at the grocery store. Everyone I called didn’t have a jumper cable. Everyone I asked that was leaving from the grocery store also didn’t have one.

 I finally called one of my clients who came to our rescue. Once my car was up and running again, I just started to complain in my mind.

When I got home, these four words came to me – “In Everything Give Thanks”.

My day could have been worse but it wasn’t.

With so many deaths this year, I've really had to examine myself. So many times I've asked myself if I’ve accomplished everything I want to in this life. Most importantly, if I were to die right now, am I ready for Heaven? I believe that I am so let me continue to live life and do the best that I can while I still have time.

So many started 2016 but didn’t get to see the end. While the year isn’t quite finished yet, I thank God for bringing Zendaya, my family, my friends and myself this far.

With the recent passing of Alan Thicke, I was reading the details of his death online. I came across this quote he posted on May 29, 2012 on Twitter:

“Live life so completely that when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there will be nothing left for him to steal (anon)”

Powerful words and so true.  

It doesn’t matter what kind of year, month, week or day you’ve had so far, just remember, "In Everything Give Thanks".

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Thanks for reading and keep smiling :)