Thursday, May 12, 2016

Earning points to get ungrounded

I came across this a couple of weeks ago:

The first thing that came to mind was the Monopoly card that reads: “Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200”. That’s how I feel this Mother is dealing with disciplining her children. If they don’t receive 500 points by doing the chores listed above, they won’t get “ungrounded”. (For the full story, click here).

How is this an effective form of discipline?

 Growing up, chores were something my siblings and I did on a daily basis. My chores included washing the dishes every other night, cleaning the washroom, vacuuming and dusting on Saturdays. As I got older, I did laundry and helped cook. These are things that every child should know how to do. Chores shouldn’t be used as a form of punishment.

You would have never caught my parents putting together something like this as a form of punishment. If you come from a West Indian home, there was only one form of discipline and I’ll leave it at that.

Living in a society where children are obsessed with technology, I now hear of parents taking away cell phones and tablets as a form of punishment. Then there’s the traditional time-out for toddlers or getting spanked with the wooden spoon.

At the end of the day, parents have to do what works for them and their children. If this method works for this family and the children learn their lesson, then kudos to their Mom.

What are your thoughts on this Mothers method of punishment?

What form of discipline did your parents use when you were growing up?

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Thanks for reading and keep smiling :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Baby Shower fit for a Princess #tbt

What should have been an “Around the Clock” baby shower ended up being a Princess theme shower. That was fine by me.

This post is five months late but I’m still so grateful for Lisa and Chantal who organized such an elegant shower. I can’t forget my other ladies, Amanda and Charlette and my sisters, Camille and Yvonne for pitching in. Lastly, to Jordana for always taking such great photos.

What would a shower be without family and friends? Thanks to everyone who came out and for all the clothes (it really should have been a clothes baby shower) and books (they were replaced with cards to help kick start her library).

The games were a hit (especially bathe the baby) and the dessert. Oftentimes when planning an event, I always leave the cake for last and it never gets done. Not this time. I made sure to make Zendaya’s baby shower cake my number one priority. The Coconut Raspberry cake was devoured in no time.

A few days later, I finally went through the words of advice my family and friends left for me.
Some of my favourites are:

“Read the Bible everyday to her and pray with her”

“Avoid discipline when angry”

“They grow so fast [so] enjoy each day/moment”

“Be a good role model – your child does whatever you do. Love cherish and care for your child”

“Love unconditionally, Praise always, Lead by example”

There were two that had me laughing:

“Make sure you wash the baby”

“Send Zeny to Auntie Yvonne every other weekend when she’s about 8 months old”

Now...time to print these pictures and include them with the hundreds of pictures I already have of Zendaya.

What words of advice did you receive as a new parent that you would like to pass on?

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Thanks for reading and keep smiling :)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Just like a Mother

I was the first baby she ever held. I was always known as the daughter she never gave birth to.

With Mother’s Day on Sunday, today I would like to honour my second mother, Marcia.

Marcia has been a huge support over the past year. She was one of the first persons I told about my pregnancy. She was the one I called to drive me to the hospital when I thought I was going to lose Zendaya. She was one of my labour coaches and stayed by my side from beginning to end.

During Zendaya’s first week of life, we were in and out of the hospital. Marcia was always there making sure I was eating, drinking and getting plenty of rest.

Maria is a woman who has a whole lot of love to give. Her positive attitude and advice has helped me get through some difficult situations over the past year.  

On Sunday, I look forward to spending Mother’s Day with this phenomenal woman of God.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mother’s - especially to all the Mother’s who have passed on, all the first time Moms and Mother’s to be.

Which woman has had a great impact in your life?

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Thanks for reading and keep smiling :)