Thursday, December 31, 2015

Let the countdown begin!

Fifteen years ago, many were in a panic because they thought the world was coming to an end. Families were stocking up on canned goods like never before. People  were emptying their bank accounts because they thought debit machines wouldn’t work the next day.

I didn’t have that fear. I spent New Years Eve with friends at a banquet.

When the clock struck 12, we were all still alive. There was no chaos. It was business as usual.

Fifteen years later, I thank God for seeing me, my family and friends through another year. 

I plan on spending the last few hours of 2015 at the best place on earth, my church. It’s going to be a night full of praise and worship, testimonies and hearing my Pastor preach (I swear he saves the best message for the end of the year).

Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year. May all your dreams come true in 2016.

How will you be ringing in the New Year?

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When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

I'm finally debt free!!!

In my “2015: Best.Year.Ever” blog post, I reminisced about some of my favourite 2015 highlights.

While all of those we be etched in my memory forever, there is one thing that supersedes them all: paying off all my debt.

After two years of trying to figure out how I was going to pay off my debt, my financial blessing finally came last month.

July 2012, my department at my former workplace told us that they were laying off our department. I was the happiest employee in the bunch.

December 31, 2012 was my last day working for someone full-time. 

January 2013 I took the risk and started teaching piano full-time.

By September of that year ,I started running into financial trouble. Even though God had blessed me with more clients, I was falling behind with my bills and I couldn’t figure out why. I wasn’t one to spend money on clothes or shoes. I rarely ate out. I didn’t get it.

As the bills started to pile up, I had to eventually suck it up and start working odd jobs to make ends meet but those jobs weren't cutting it either.

I started borrowing money to stay afloat but fell into depression trying to figure out how I was going to pay the money back.

This year it got so bad to the point I stopped checking the mail because I knew my mailbox was filled with outstanding bills. I stopped creating my monthly expense spreadsheet. I started screening my phone calls to avoid bill collectors. I cried out to God daily asking when this financial trouble would come to an end.

Then it happened. I was blessed with a substantial amount of money. I had enough to pay off all my debt. It felt too good to be true. I cried for days because I felt like I didn’t deserve it.

After two years of financial struggle, I was finally able to pay off my debt…all $65,000 of it!

Being debt free has to be one of the best feelings in the world. What a great way to end the year.

Feel free to share this post on your favourite Social Media Networks.

When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

The end of my Happiness Project

Last December, I read a book called “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin. I thought it was a book about the things she loved doing. Not so. It was about her setting up monthly resolutions for herself. As each month passed, it was her desire to continue with the previous month’s resolution for the remainder of the year.

I decided that I wanted to do the same for 2015. 

My number one goal was to start a blog. I was finally ready to commit to writing on a weekly basis. Eighty-two blog posts later, I’m still writing.

 One of my January resolutions was to spend more time in prayer. No longer do I just pray when I need something. I now find myself praying whenever I can and just giving God thanks for the small things in life.

Another resolution I had made was to avoid candy for the entire year (click here to read more about my "Candy Addiction"). That didn’t last very long. I have improved though. I no longer head to Bulk Barn every day for a candy fix. Once my Princess arrives, I plan on trying again.

It has always been my dream to start a Book Club. Unfortunately the Ladies and I only got together twice this year. I hope we can start again in the near future.

Attending Boxing Boot Camp was another resolution I made. I’m definitely looking forward to attending again next Spring.

On the list of things that I didn’t accomplish was learning how to sew and knit, finishing “Friends”, learning how to play chess, finishing my novel and signing up for belly dancing classes.

After twelve months of doing this project, I’m extremely proud of myself for sticking with it. 

Am I happier for doing this? Absolutely! Even though I didn’t accomplish everything on my list, I still found myself doing things that I wouldn’t have normally done if I had just created a bucket list. 

I do plan on continuing with this project next year but on a smaller scale. 

My main resolution for 2016 will be enjoying life with my Princess.

What are some of your 2015 accomplishments?

Feel free to share this post on your favourite Social Media Networks.

When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

2015: Best.Year.Ever.

This is it. We are in our last few hours of 2015. It’s been a year full of laughs, heartache and surprises but I made it.

Here’s what I loved most about this year:

Five years ago, I made a mental note that I wanted to throw my Dad a 65th birthday party and I did. 

Nine months later, he’s still talking about how it was the best gift he’s ever received.

I spent my 34th Birthday with my girlfriends...80's style.

Out of all the cakes I made, this Neapolitan cake is my favourite 2015 baking project.

Isn't she lovely? I finally have two mixers again! I’m sooo in love with my new Kitchen Aid 5 quart Architect mixer. The glass bowl is by far the best feature.

Finding out I was expecting was a shocker but at the same time the best news I’ve ever received. I have approximately 2 weeks and 5 days left until I meet my Princess.

What were some of your 2015 highlights?

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When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas shopping...Oh how I hate you

I have a confession to make. I haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet and there’s only three days left. The scary thing is, I’m not worried. Part of me doesn’t even care.

 I blame it on the lack of Christmas spirit I feel this year. Houses are decorated. Christmas songs are playing but it just doesn’t feel like Christmas. Maybe because there’s no snow outside. Maybe because the weather has been so mild.

While those things may be true, I’m always a late shopper regardless. The thought of going to the malls and spending half an hour trying to find a parking space drives me crazy. Entering into the mall and seeing all those people running around like crazy people makes me feel claustrophobic. Then there's the long line-ups I have to stand in. Ugh! I just can't.

I don't blame those who do all their Christmas shopping online. I think I'll try that next year.

As I head to the mall today, pray for me that I don’t lose my mind.

Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?

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When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

Christmas Day: Then and Now

This morning I woke up thinking about how my family used to spend Christmas compared to how we spend it now.

Our household wasn’t like others. My siblings and I didn’t wake up in the wee hours of the morning begging our parents to wake up just so that we could open our presents. We slept in. We took our time because we knew we weren’t going anywhere until much later. 

When all five of us did wake up, you could literally feel the excitement. The one day of the year that we had all been waiting for was finally here. The anticipation to find out if we got what we had asked for was about to be revealed. After all our presents were opened, we ate and played with our new toys.

We spent a lot of our Christmas evenings with my Mom’s side of the family. 

Now that we’re all grown up, things have changed. Presents are rarely bought. I can’t even remember the last time I spent Christmas with all of my siblings.

I now spend my Christmas mornings at church. From there I normally head out to my Dad’s house and spend a few days to unwind. We do nothing but eat, sleep and watch television.

I would be lying if I said I don’t miss the excitement that Christmas used to bring but I guess that’s just a part of growing up.

What did your family do on Christmas day when you were younger? Have those traditions changed now that you're older?

Feel free to share this post on your favourite Social Media Networks.

When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

My Happiness Project: 12 Days of Christmas Cheer

This is it…my final month of my Happiness Project!

This month, I’ve titled my Happiness Project, “12 Days of Christmas Cheer”. 

Even though it may not look or feel like Christmas, I'm looking forward to spending this month with my family and friends. 

Here’s my list of 12 things I plan on doing this festive season:

1) Create a Christmas playlist

2 ) Watching Christmas movies –  On the list are, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, “Miracle on 34th Street”, “The Muppet Christmas Carol”, “Rudolph the red nosed reindeer”, Scrooge”, Christmas in Connecticut”, and “Frosty the Snowman”

3)  Paint Nite – I’ll be attending a couple of Paint Nites with one of my sisters and girlfriend

4)  Watch Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella

5) Getting a manicure, pedicure and facial at Sanctuary Day Spas

6) Make my own Christmas cards

7) Buy Christmas presents for my immediate family and my girlfriends

8) Watch the Nutcracker, the ballet

9) Watch “A Christmas Carol” at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection

10) Watch “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” at Lower Ossington Theatre

12) Visit Hudson’s Bay Christmas Windows

I can't believe I'm going to say this much as I hate snow, I am praying for a few inches for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. What would Christmas be without it?

What resolutions have you made for this month?

Feel free to share this post on your favourite Social Media Networks.

When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Money Talk

“Don’t hold your bucket where your hand can’t reach”.

This is a saying that my late Grandmother passed on to her children and one that my Dad passed on to me.

What does it really mean? To me it means don’t purchase things you can’t afford.

Sounds like an easy concept but can be hard to follow if someone doesn’t take the time to teach you about the value of money.

I was never given an allowance as a child. Anytime I needed or wanted something, I always asked my parents for money. Sometimes they would fork it over and sometimes they didn’t.

I got my first job when I was 16.  What a relief that was. I spent my money how I wanted without being asked any questions.

Once I started College, I signed up for 2-3 credit cards. When my Mom found out, the only thing she told me was to make sure I had enough money to pay off the balance at the end of the month.

I promised I would but soon feel into the trap of maxing out all of my credit cards because I viewed it as “free money”.

I spent all of my 20’s and early 30’s in debt. I believe this could have been avoided if my parents had taken the time to teach me about money. 

This is something that every parent should teach their child. It’s definitely something I plan on doing.

Starting a conversation about money doesn’t have to be hard. Take your child on a trip to the bank. Open up a savings account for them. Take them to the store to help purchase groceries. Play a game of Monopoly. Give your child an allowance.

Most importantly, parents need to teach children the difference between needs vs. wants.

When a child receives money – whether it’s from an allowance or receiving birthday money - I believe it should be divided into three categories. If you attend church like me, 10% should automatically be set aside for tithes, another 10% set aside for savings and the remainder set aside for spending. 

Even if parents teach their children about money at an early age, it’s no guarantee they will continue with these habits but it’s definitely worth the try.

While I don’t blame my parents for my financial mistakes, I do believe that if they had taken the time to teach me about money when I was younger, I would have been better off financially today.

Did your parents talk to you about money? If so, what lessons did you take from those conversations?

Feel free to share this post on your favourite Social Media Networks.

When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :) 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Foods that I hate

I envy my siblings for not being forced to eat some of the foods that I had to eat when I was younger.

The thought of the following still make me cringe to this day:

1) Porridge - That was my Saturday breakfast growing up. It doesn’t matter how many times I threw up or felt like throwing up, my parents still forced me to drink it.

2) Egg Salad Sandwiches - My Mother must have prepared egg salad sandwiches for me every other day when I was in grade one. I’m pretty sure I threw them out half the time.

3) Cabbage – My Mother always cooked it with corn beef and rice but I couldn’t stand the smell of cabbage. I was never allowed to leave the table without finishing every bit of cabbage that was on my plate.

4) Carrot Juice – I’m not talking about the one that has condensed milk in it. I’m talking about the raw carrot juice with just a dash of nutmeg. 

No child should ever be forced to eat or drink anything they don’t like. I’m sure if my parents didn’t make me eat and drink the foods and beverage mentioned above, I probably wouldn’t mind having them today.

What foods did your parents force you to eat growing up?

Feel free to share this post on your favourite Social Media Networks.

When you get a chance, please visit my friend Tyrone’s blog. His posts are insightful and very thought provoking. See his blog here.

Thanks for reading and keep smiling :)